Evolutionary mechanisms that shape diversity and distribution in a tropical biodiversity hotspot (PHMA)



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Highlights of the PHMA project!


foto1Brazilian and Czech teams meeting in Brazil, with the special guest, Dr. Marianne Elias (April, 2024)
Workshop - Avanços em biologia, ecologia e evolução de borboletas neotropicaisAttendees of the workshop “Avanços em biologia, ecologia e evolução de borboletas neotropicais” organized by LABBOR at Unicamp in April, 2024
foto1André Freitas, Pável Matos-Maraví and Jessie Santos meet at the Biology of Butterflies Conference in Prague (July, 2023)

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Renato Ramos, Simeão Moraes and Eduardo Barbosa in the field trip to Ceará in June 2023.

Slide102Field trip to Bacchus Reserve: a huge success in the light trapping!

foto1André, Mar, Pável and Junia in a field trip to Serra do Japi (Jundiaí, São Paulo, Brazil) in November 2022.

foto1Workshop with Antonelli Lab at Bacchus Reserve (Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) in November 2022.

20221119_132650Feijoada time at Campinas, Brazil (November 2022).

2 20221117_145507Biogeography workshop organized by LABBOR at Unicamp in November 2022.