Organizadores: Thamara Zacca, Eduardo Barbosa, Junia Carreira & André Freitas
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Última atualização: 24/III/2024
Euptychiina Checklist
Total de espécies descritas: 465
Total de gêneros descritos: 72
GENU Agojie Zacca, 2023 (1 sp.)
SPEC Agojie rupicola* Zacca, 2023
GENU Amiga Nakahara, Willmott & Espeland, 2019 (2 sp. / 3 ssp.)
SPEC Amiga arnaca* (Fabricius, 1776)
SUBS Amiga arnaca arnaca (Fabricius, 1776)
SUBS Amiga arnaca adela Nakahara & Espeland, 2019
SUBS Amiga arnaca indianacristoi Nakahara & Marín, 2019
SPEC Amiga sericeella (Bates, 1865)
GENU Amphidecta Butler, 1867 (4 sp. / 2 ssp.)
SPEC Amphidecta calliomma (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1862)
SPEC Amphidecta clio (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Amphidecta pignerator* Butler, 1867
SUBS Amphidecta pignerator pignerator Butler, 1867
SUBS Amphidecta pignerator simplicia Weymer, 1910
SPEC Amphidecta reynoldsi Sharpe, 1890
GENU Archeuptychia Forster, 1964 (1 sp.)
SPEC Archeuptychia cluena* (Drury, 1782)
GENU Argentaria Huertas & Willmott, 2023 (14 sp.)
SPEC Argentaria argyropsacas (Bryk, 1953)
SPEC Argentaria clementia (Butler, 1877)
SPEC Argentaria clorimena (Stoll, 1790)
SPEC Argentaria cosmophila (Hübner, 1823)
SPEC Argentaria hygina (Butler, 1877)
SPEC Argentaria itonis* (Hewitson, 1862)
SPEC Argentaria jadea Brévignon & Benmesbah, 2012
SPEC Argentaria kendalli Miller, 1976
SPEC Argentaria libitina (Butler, 1870)
SPEC Argentaria pagyris (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Argentaria quadrina (Butler, 1869)
SPEC Argentaria salvini (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Argentaria telesphora (Butler, 1877)
SPEC Argentaria zischkai Forster, 1964
GENU Atlanteuptychia Freitas, Barbosa & Mielke, 2013 (1 sp.)
SPEC Atlanteuptychia ernestina* (Weymer, 1911)
GENU Caeruleuptychia Forster, 1964 (28 sp.)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia aegrota (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia aemulatio Nakahara & Willmott, 2023
SPEC Caeruleuptychia aetherialis (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia coelestis (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia coelica (Hewitson, 1869)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia cyanites (Butler, 1871)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia divina (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia francisca (Butler, 1870)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia glauca (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia harrisi Nakahara & Freitas, 2023
SPEC Caeruleuptychia helena (Anken, 1994)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia helios (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia lobelia (Butler, 1870)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia mare (Butler, 1869)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia maryzenderae Lamas & Nakahara, 2018
SPEC Caeruleuptychia penicillata (Godman, 1905)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia pilata (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia romani (Aurivillius, 1929)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia saul Brévignon & Benmesbah, 2012
SPEC Caeruleuptychia scopulata (Godman, 1905)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia scripta Nakahara, Zacca & Huertas, 2018
SPEC Caeruleuptychia tenera (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia thaliana Nakahara & Piovesan, 2022
SPEC Caeruleuptychia trembathi Willmott, Nakahara, Hall & Neild, 2018
SPEC Caeruleuptychia twalela Brévignon, 2005
SPEC Caeruleuptychia umbrosa (Butler, 1870)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia urania* (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Caeruleuptychia ziza (Butler, 1869)
GENU Capronnieria Forster, 1964 (2 sp.)
SPEC Capronnieria galesus* (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Capronnieria narapa (Schaus, 1902)
GENU Carminda Dias, 1998 (4 sp.)
SPEC Carminda griseldis (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Carminda paeon* (Godart, 1824)
SPEC Carminda surpresa Barbosa, Aguiar, Rosa, Zacca & Freitas, 2020
SPEC Carminda umuarama Ebert & Dias, 1997
GENU Cepheuptychia Forster, 1964 (3 sp.)
SPEC Cepheuptychia angelica (Butler, 1874)
SPEC Cepheuptychia cephus* (Fabricius, 1775)
SPEC Cepheuptychia glaucina (Bates, 1864)
GENU Chloreuptychia Forster, 1964 (4 sp.)
SPEC Chloreuptychia agatha (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Chloreuptychia amethysta Brévignon & Benmesbah, 2012
SPEC Chloreuptychia chlorimene* (Hübner, [1819])
SPEC Chloreuptychia gordonsmalli Thurman, MacDonald & Nakahara, 2021
GENU Cisandina Nakahara & Espeland, 2022 (7 sp./2 ssp.)
SPEC Cisandina castanya Lamas & Nakahara, 2022
SPEC Cisandina esmeralda Nakahara & Barbosa, 2022
SPEC Cisandina fida (Weymer, 1911)
SUBS Cisandina fida directa Nakahara & Willmott, 2022
SUBS Cisandina fida fida (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Cisandina lea* (Cramer, 1777)
SPEC Cisandina philippa (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Cisandina sanmarcos (Nakahara & Lamas, 2018)
SPEC Cisandina trinitensis (Brévignon & Benmesbah, 2012)
GENU Cissia Doubleday, 1848 (11 sp./ 2 ssp.)
SPEC Cissia anabelae (L.D. Miller, 1976)
SPEC Cissia cheneyorum (Chermock, 1949)
SPEC Cissia cleophes (Godman & Salvin, 1889)
SPEC Cissia eous (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Cissia penelope* (Fabricius, 1775)
SPEC Cissia phronius (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Cissia pompilia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SPEC Cissia proba (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Cissia pseudocleophes (Miller, 1976)
SPEC Cissia rubricata (Edwards, 1871)
SUBS Cissia rubricata rubricata (Edwards, 1871)
SUBS Cissia rubricata smithorum (Wind, 1946)
SPEC Cissia wahala Grishin, 2022
GENU Colombeia Viloria, Andrade & Le Crom, 2019 (3 sp.)
SPEC Colombeia hotchikissi (Dyar, 1913)
SPEC Colombeia mycalesis* (Röber, 1927)
SPEC Colombeia nossis (Hewitson, 1862)
GENU Cristalinaia Freitas, Barbosa & Zacca, 2019 (1 sp.)
SPEC Cristalinaia vitoria* Mota, Zacca & Freitas, 2019
GENU Cyllopsis R. Felder, 1869 (30 sp./ 13 ssp.)
SPEC Cyllopsis argentella (Butler & Druce, 1872)
SPEC Cyllopsis caballeroi Beutelspacher, 1982
SPEC Cyllopsis clinas (Godman & Salvin, 1889)
SPEC Cyllopsis diazi Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis dospassosi Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis emilia Chacón & Nishida, 2002
SPEC Cyllopsis gemma (Hübner, 1808)
SUBS Cyllopsis gemma freemani (Stallings & Turner, 1947)
SUBS Cyllopsis gemma gemma (Hübner, 1808)
SPEC Cyllopsis guatemalena Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis hedemanni* R. Felder, 1869
SUBS Cyllopsis hedemanni hedemanni R. Felder, 1869
SUBS Cyllopsis hedemanni tamaulipensis Miller, 1974
SUBS Cyllopsis hedemanni vetones (Godman & Salvin, 1878)
SPEC Cyllopsis hilaria (Godman, 1901)
SPEC Cyllopsis jacquelineae Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis nayarit (Chermock, 1947)
SPEC Cyllopsis nelsoni (Godman & Salvin, 1881)
SPEC Cyllopsis pallens Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis parvimaculata Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis pephredo (Godman, 1901)
SPEC Cyllopsis perplexa Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis pertepida (Dyar, 1912)
SUBS Cyllopsis pertepida pertepida (Dyar, 1912)
SUBS Cyllopsis pertepida avicula (Nabokov, 1942)
SUBS Cyllopsis pertepida intermedia Miller, 1974
SUBS Cyllopsis pertepida maniola (Nabokov, 1942)
SPEC Cyllopsis philodice (Godman & Salvin, 1878)
SPEC Cyllopsis pseudopephredo (Chermock, 1947)
SPEC Cyllopsis pyracmon (Butler, 1867)
SUBS Cyllopsis pyracmon pyracmon (Butler, 1867)
SUBS Cyllopsis pyracmon henshawi (Edwards, 1876)
SPEC Cyllopsis rogersi (Godman & Salvin, 1878)
SPEC Cyllopsis schausi Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis steinhauserorum Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis suivalenoides Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis suivalens (Dyar, 1914)
SUBS Cyllopsis suivalens suivalens (Dyar, 1914)
SUBS Cyllopsis suivalens escalantei Miller, 1974
SPEC Cyllopsis tomemmeli Warren & Nakahara 2018
SPEC Cyllopsis wellingi Miller, 1978
SPEC Cyllopsis whiteorum Miller & Maza, 1984
SPEC Cyllopsis windi Miller, 1974
GENU Deltaya Willmott, Nakahara & Espeland, 2023 (6 sp.)
SPEC Deltaya andrei (Zacca, Casagrande & Mielke, 2017)
SPEC Deltaya louisammour (Benmesbah & Zacca, 2018)
SPEC Deltaya ocypete* (Fabricius, 1776)
SPEC Deltaya opima (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Deltaya pallema (Schaus, 1902)
SPEC Deltaya probata (Weymer, 1911)
GENU Emeryus Zacca, Casagrande & Mielke, 2020 (3 sp. / 2 ssp.)
SPEC Emeryus argulus (Godart, [1824])
SUBS Emeryus argulus argulus* (Godart, [1824])
SUBS Emeryus argulus magnum Zacca, Casagrande & Mielke, 2020
SPEC Emeryus difficilis (Forster, 1964)
SPEC Emeryus numeria (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
GENU Erichthodes Forster, 1964 (1 sp.)
SPEC Erichthodes antonina* (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
GENU Euptychia Hübner, 1818 (37 sp. / 7 ssp.)
SPEC Euptychia alacristata Neild, Nakahara & Fratello, 2014
SPEC Euptychia aquila Fratello, Nakahara & Brévignon, 2015
SPEC Euptychia atlantica Nakahara & Freitas, 2017
SPEC Euptychia attenboroughi Neild, Nakahara, Fratello & Le Crom, 2015
SPEC Euptychia audacia Brévignon, Fratello & Nakahara, 2015
SPEC Euptychia boulleti (Le Cerf, 1919)
SPEC Euptychia cesarense Pulido, Andrade, Peña & Lamas, 2011
SUBS Euptychia cesarense cesarense Pulido, Andrade, Peña & Lamas, 2011
SUBS Euptychia cesarense obtusa Nakahara, 2015
SUBS Euptychia cesarense viloriai Andrade, Pulido, Peña & Lamas, 2011
SPEC Euptychia efraini Ríos-Málaver, 2019
SPEC Euptychia enyita Nakahara, Lamas & Willmott, 2015
SPEC Euptychia enyo Butler, 1867
SPEC Euptychia favonius Nakahara, Veja & Willmott, 2016
SPEC Euptychia fernandae Nakahara & Willmott, 2015
SPEC Euptychia fetna Butler, 1870
SPEC Euptychia granatina Nakahara, Le Crom & Hall, 2015
SPEC Euptychia hannemanni Forster, 1964
SPEC Euptychia insolata Butler & Druce, 1872
SPEC Euptychia jesia Butler, 1869
SPEC Euptychia juanjoi Le Crom, Nakahara & Lamas, 2015
SPEC Euptychia lacandona Warren & Nakahara, 2015
SPEC Euptychia marceli Brévignon, 2005
SUBS Euptychia marceli marceli (Hübner, [1813])
SUBS Euptychia marceli divisa Benmesbah, Costa, Attal & Viloria, 2021
SPEC Euptychia meta Weymer, 1911
SPEC Euptychia mollina* (Hübner, [1813])
SUBS Euptychia mollina mollina (Hübner, [1813])
SUBS Euptychia mollina suzannae Brévignon, 2005
SPEC Euptychia mollis Staudinger, 1876
SPEC Euptychia neblina Warren & Nakahara, 2015
SPEC Euptychia neildi Brévignon, 2005
SPEC Euptychia padroni Nakahara, Lamas & Willmott, 2015
SPEC Euptychia pegasus Nakahara & Hall, 2015
SPEC Euptychia picea Butler, 1867
SPEC Euptychia pillaca Nakahara & Willmott, 2015
SPEC Euptychia roraima Nakahara, Fratello & Harvey, 2014
SPEC Euptychia rubrofasciata Miller & Miller, 1988
SPEC Euptychia rufocincta Weymer, 1911
SPEC Euptychia sarah Benmesbah & Viloria, 2019
SPEC Euptychia sophiae Zacca, Nakahara, Dolibaina & Dias, 2015
SPEC Euptychia truncata Nakahara & Hall, 2015
SPEC Euptychia westwoodi Butler, 1867
SUBS Euptychia westwoodi westwoodi Butler, 1867
SUBS Euptychia westwoodi muli Brévignon, 2015
SPEC Euptychia woroina Viloria & Benmesbah, 2020
GENU Euptychoides Forster, 1964 (4 sp.)
SPEC Euptychoides albofasciata (Hewitson, 1869)
SPEC Euptychoides inani (Staudinger, [1886])
SPEC Euptychoides laccine* (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SPEC Euptychoides pseudosaturnus Forster, 1964
GENU Forsterinaria Gray, 1973 (27 sp. / 7 ssp.)
SPEC Forsterinaria anophthalma (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SPEC Forsterinaria antje Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria boliviana (Godman, 1905)
SPEC Forsterinaria chaniorum Viloria & Costa, 2019
SPEC Forsterinaria coipa Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria difficilis (Forster, 1964)
SPEC Forsterinaria emo Zubek, Pyrcz & Boyer, 2014
SPEC Forsterinaria enjuerma Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria falcata Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria guaniloi Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria hannieri Zubek & Pyrcz, 2011
SPEC Forsterinaria inornata (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SUBS Forsterinaria inornata inornata (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SUBS Forsterinaria inornata magdalena (Hayward, 1957)
SPEC Forsterinaria itatiaia Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria necys* (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Forsterinaria neonympha (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SPEC Forsterinaria pallida Peña & Lamas, 2005
SUBS Forsterinaria pallida pallida Peña & Lamas, 2005
SUBS Forsterinaria pallida aurita Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria pichita Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria pilosa Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria pronophila (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Forsterinaria proxima (Hayward, 1957)
SPEC Forsterinaria pseudinornata (Forster, 1964)
SPEC Forsterinaria punctata Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria pyrczi Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria quantius (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Forsterinaria rotunda Peña & Lamas, 2005
SPEC Forsterinaria rustica (Butler, 1868)
SUBS Forsterinaria rustica glendita Peña & Lamas, 2005
SUBS Forsterinaria rustica rustica (Butler, 1868)
SUBS Forsterinaria rustica villarresi (Dognin, 1887)
SPEC Forsterinaria stella (Hayward, 1957)
GENU Godartiana Forster, 1964 (6 sp.)
SPEC Godartiana amadoi Paluch, Zacca & Freitas, 2016
SPEC Godartiana armilla (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Godartiana astronesthes Lamas & Nakahara, 2018
SPEC Godartiana byses* (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Godartiana luederwaldti (Spitz, 1931)
SPEC Godartiana muscosa (Butler, 1870)
GENU Graphita Nakahara, Marín & Barbosa, 2016 (1 sp.)
SPEC Graphita griphe* (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
GENU Harjesia Forster, 1964 (3 sp.)
SPEC Harjesia argentata Nakahara, Zacca & Lamas, 2018
SPEC Harjesia blanda* (Möschler, 1877)
SPEC Harjesia obscura (Butler, 1867)
GENU Hermeuptychia Forster, 1964 (18 sp. / 2 ssp.)
SPEC Hermeuptychia atalanta (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Hermeuptychia camerta (Cramer, 1780)
SPEC Hermeuptychia canthe (Hübner, [1811])
SPEC Hermeuptychia clara Nakahara, Tan, Lamas & Willmott, 2016
SPEC Hermeuptychia cucullina (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Hermeuptychia fallax (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SUBS Hermeuptychia fallax fallax (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SUBS Hermeuptychia fallax marinha Anken, 1994
SPEC Hermeuptychia gisella (Hayward, 1957)
SPEC Hermeuptychia harmonia (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Hermeuptychia hermes* (Fabricius, 1775)
SPEC Hermeuptychia hermybius Grishin, 2014
SPEC Hermeuptychia intricata Grishin, 2014
SPEC Hermeuptychia lupita (Reakirt, [1867])
SPEC Hermeuptychia maimoune (Butler, 1870)
SPEC Hermeuptychia occidentalis Grishin, 2021
SPEC Hermeuptychia pimpla (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1862)
SPEC Hermeuptychia sinuosa Grishin, 2021
SPEC Hermeuptychia sosybius (Fabricius, 1793)
SPEC Hermeuptychia undulata (Butler, 1867)
GENU Huberonympha Viloria & Costa, 2016 (1 sp.)
SPEC Huberonympha neildi* Viloria, Costa, Fratello & Nakahara, 2016
GENU Inbio Nakahara & Espeland, 2015 (1 sp.)
SPEC Inbio hilara* (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
GENU Koutalina Viloria & Murienne, 2021 (1 sp.)
SPEC Koutalina pamela* (Hayward, 1957)
GENU Lazulina Willmott, Nakahara & Espeland, 2023 (3 sp.)
SPEC Lazulina catharina (Staudinger, [1886])
SPEC Lazulina hewitsonii* (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Lazulina tolumnia (Cramer, 1777)
GENU Llorenteana Viloria & Luis-Martínez, [2019] (1 sp.)
SPEC Llorenteana pellonia* (Godman, 1901)
GENU Magneuptychia Forster, 1964 (2 sp.)
SPEC Magneuptychia lethra (Möschler, 1883)
SPEC Magneuptychia libye* (Linnaeus, 1767)
GENU Malaveria Viloria & Benmesbah, 2021 (17 sp. / 2 ssp.)
SPEC Malaveria affinis (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Malaveria alcinoe (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SPEC Malaveria argyrospila (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Malaveria ballofi Benmesbah & Viloria, 2021
SPEC Malaveria bottoi Benmesbah & Viloria, 2021
SPEC Malaveria duponti Benmesbah & Viloria, 2021
SPEC Malaveria erigone (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Malaveria grimon (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Malaveria guenzeli (Anken, 1994)
SPEC Malaveria iseai (Viloria, 2022)
SPEC Malaveria maepius (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Malaveria mimas (Godman, 1905)
SPEC Malaveria mimula (Hayward, 1954)
SPEC Malaveria mythra (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Malaveria nebulosa* (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Malaveria neomaenas (Hayward, 1967)
SPEC Malaveria rodriguezi Benmesbah & Viloria, 2021
SUBS Malaveria rodriguezi risaralda Benmesbah & Viloria, 2021
SUBS Malaveria rodriguezi rodriguezi Benmesbah & Viloria, 2021
GENU Megeuptychia Forster, 1964 (3 sp.)
SPEC Megeuptychia antonoe* (Cramer, 1775)
SPEC Megeuptychia monopunctata Willmott & Hall, 1995
SPEC Megeuptychia souadae Benmesbah, 2015
GENU Megisto Hübner, [1819] (2 sp. / 5 ssp.)
SPEC Megisto cymela* (Cramer, 1777)
SUBS Megisto cymela cymela (Cramer, 1777)
SUBS Megisto cymela viola (Maynard, 1891)
SPEC Megisto opalina (Butler, 1871)
SUBS Megisto opalina bailiensis Yoshino, 2001
SUBS Megisto opalina macrophthalmia Fruhstorfer, 1911
SUBS Megisto opalina opalina (Butler, 1871)
GENU Modestia Viloria & Benmesbah, 2021 (8 sp. / 4 ssp.)
SPEC Modestia agnata (Schaus, 1913)
SPEC Modestia analis (Godman, 1905)
SPEC Modestia drymo (Schaus, 1913)
SPEC Modestia gomezi (Singer, DeVries & Ehrlich, 1983)
SPEC Modestia harpyia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SUBS Modestia harpyia batesii (Butler, 1867)
SUBS Modestia harpyia harpyia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SPEC Modestia modesta* (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Modestia remypignoux Benmesbah & Viloria, 2021
SUBS Modestia remypignoux remypignoux Benmesbah & Viloria, 2021
SUBS Modestia remypignoux shueyi Benmesbah & Viloria, 2021
SPEC Modestia sylvina (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
GENU Modica Zacca, Casagrande & Willmott, 2023 (5 sp.)
SPEC Modica confusa* (Staudinger, 1887)
SPEC Modica fugitiva Lamas, [1997]
SPEC Modica kamel Benmesbah & Zacca, 2018
SPEC Modica maripa Brévignon, 2005
SPEC Modica myncea (Cramer, 1780)
GENU Moneuptychia Forster, 1964 (11 sp.)
SPEC Moneuptychia castrensis (Schaus, 1902)
SPEC Moneuptychia giffordi Freitas, Emery & Mielke, 2010
SPEC Moneuptychia itapeva Freitas, 2007
SPEC Moneuptychia melchiades (Butler, 1877)
SPEC Moneuptychia montana Freitas, 2015
SPEC Moneuptychia pervagata Freitas, Siewert & Mielke, 2015
SPEC Moneuptychia romanina (Bryk, 1953)
SPEC Moneuptychia soter* (Butler, 1877)
SPEC Moneuptychia vitellina Freitas & Barbosa, 2015
SPEC Moneuptychia viviana (Romieux, 1927)
SPEC Moneuptychia wahlbergi Freitas, Barbosa, Siewert & Mielke, 2015
GENU Neonympha Hübner, 1818 (2 sp. / 5 ssp.)
SPEC Neonympha areolatus* (Smith, 1797)
SUBS Neonympha areolatus areolatus (Smith, 1797)
SUBS Neonympha areolatus dadeensis Gatrelle, 1999
SUBS Neonympha areolatus septentrionalis Davis, 1924
SPEC Neonympha mitchellii French, 1889
SUBS Neonympha mitchellii francisci Parshall & Kral, 1989
SUBS Neonympha mitchellii mitchellii French, 1889
GENU Nhambikuara Freitas, Barbosa & Zacca, 2018 (11 sp.)
SPEC Nhambikuara ackeryi Huertas, Ríos & Le Crom, 2009
SPEC Nhambikuara cerradensis* Freitas, Barbosa & Zacca, 2018
SPEC Nhambikuara doxes (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Nhambikuara erycina (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Nhambikuara furina (Hewitson, 1862)
SPEC Nhambikuara gemmula (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Nhambikuara junonia (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Nhambikuara latia (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Nhambikuara mercedes Huertas, 2011
SPEC Nhambikuara mima (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Nhambikuara toynei Willmott & Hall, 1995
GENU Occulta Nakahara & Willmott, 2023 (1 sp.)
SPEC Occulta ocnus* (Butler, 1867)
GENU Omacha Andrade, Viloria, Henao & Le Crom, 2019 (1 sp.)
SPEC Omacha pax* Huertas, Lamas, Fagua & Willmott, 2016
GENU Optimandes Marín, Nakahara & Willmott, 2019 (2 sp. / 2 ssp.)
SPEC Optimandes eugenia* (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SUBS Optimandes eugenia eugenia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SUBS Optimandes eugenia transversa (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Optimandes mocha Willmott, Hall & Lamas, 2019
GENU Orotaygetis Nakahara & Zacca, 2018 (1 sp.)
SPEC Orotaygetis surui* Nakahara, Zacca & Lamas, 2018
GENU Paramacera Butler, 1868 (5 sp.)
SPEC Paramacera allyni Miller, 1972
SPEC Paramacera chinanteca Miller, 1972
SPEC Paramacera copiosa Miller, 1972
SPEC Paramacera xicaque* (Reakirt, [1867])
SPEC Paramacera rubrosuffusa Miller, 1972
GENU Parataygetis Forster, 1964 (2 sp.)
SPEC Parataygetis albinotata* (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Parataygetis lineata (Godman & Salvin, 1880)
GENU Pareuptychia Forster, 1964 (9 sp. / 4 ssp.)
SPEC Pareuptychia binocula (Butler, 1869)
SPEC Pareuptychia difficilis (Forster, 1964)
SPEC Pareuptychia hervei Brévignon, 2005
SPEC Pareuptychia hesionides* Forster, 1964
SUBS Pareuptychia hesionides deviae Brévignon, 2005
SUBS Pareuptychia hesionides hesionides Forster, 1964
SPEC Pareuptychia lydia (Cramer, 1777)
SPEC Pareuptychia metaleuca (Boisduval, 1870)
SPEC Pareuptychia milleri Nakahara, Marín & Neild, 2016
SPEC Pareuptychia ocirrhoe (Fabricius, 1776)
SUBS Pareuptychia ocirrhoe interjecta (d’Almeida, 1952)
SUBS Pareuptychia ocirrhoe ocirrhoe (Fabricius, 1776)
SPEC Pareuptychia summandosa (Gosse, 1880)
GENU Paryphthimoides Forster, 1964 (12 sp. / 9 ssp.)
SPEC Paryphthimoides brixiola (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Paryphthimoides brixius (Godart, [1824])
SUBS Paryphthimoides brixius brixius (Godart, [1824])
SUBS Paryphthimoides brixius madre Zacca, Mielke, Casagrande & Lamas, 2020
SUBS Paryphthimoides brixius rouranensis Brévignon, 2021
SPEC Paryphthimoides flavofascia (Zacca & Siewert, 2014)
SPEC Paryphthimoides fridae Zacca, Casagrande, Huertas & Nakahara, 2020
SPEC Paryphthimoides jorupe Zacca, Casagrande, Checa & Willmott, 2020
SPEC Paryphthimoides joycea (Singer, DeVries & Ehrlich, 1983)
SPEC Paryphthimoides poltys* (Prittwitz, 1865)
SUBS Paryphthimoides poltys numilia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SUBS Paryphthimoides poltys poltys (Prittwitz, 1865)
SPEC Paryphthimoides pseudoconfusa (Singer, DeVries & Ehrlich, 1983)
SPEC Paryphthimoides sheba (Brévignon & Benmesbah, 2012)
SPEC Paryphthimoides terrestris (Butler, 1867)
SUBS Paryphthimoides terrestris araguaianus Zacca, Casagrande & Mielke, 2020
SUBS Paryphthimoides terrestris grevei Zacca, Casagrande & Mielke, 2020
SUBS Paryphthimoides terrestris muyrakytan Zacca, Casagrande & Mielke, 2020
SUBS Paryphthimoides terrestris terrestris (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Paryphthimoides touloulou (Benmesbah, 2015)
SPEC Paryphthimoides vestigiata (Butler, 1867)
GENU Pharneuptychia Forster, 1964 (5 sp.)
SPEC Pharneuptychia estoraquensis Henao & Meneses, [2018]
SPEC Pharneuptychia haywardiana Lamas, 2010
SPEC Pharneuptychia phares* (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Pharneuptychia pharnabazos (Bryk, 1953)
SPEC Pharneuptychia pharnaces (Weymer, 1911)
GENU Pindis R. Felder, 1869 (1 sp.)
SPEC Pindis squamistriga* Felder, 1869
GENU Posttaygetis Forster, 1964 (1 sp.)
SPEC Posttaygetis penelea* (Cramer, 1777)
GENU Pseudeuptychia Forster, 1964 (7 sp./ 2 ssp.)
SPEC Pseudeuptychia callichloris (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Pseudeuptychia cuzquenya Nakahara & Lamas, 2018
SPEC Pseudeuptychia hemileuca (Staudinger, [1886])
SPEC Pseudeuptychia herseis (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Pseudeuptychia languida* (Butler, 1867)
SUBS Pseudeuptychia languida austrina Nakahara & Lamas, 2018
SUBS Pseudeuptychia languida languida (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Pseudeuptychia marica (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Pseudeuptychia rectilinea Brévignon, Rosant, Lamas & Willmott, 2019
GENU Pseudodebis Forster, 1964 (14 sp.)
SPEC Pseudodebis celia (Cramer, 1779)
SPEC Pseudodebis darrenthroopi Nakahara & Willmott, 2022
SPEC Pseudodebis dubiosa Forster, 1964
SPEC Pseudodebis euptychidia (Butler, 1868)
SPEC Pseudodebis hartmanni Nakahara & MacDonald, 2021
SPEC Pseudodebis macdonaldi Thurman & Nakahara, 2023
SPEC Pseudodebis marpessa (Hewitson, 1862)
SPEC Pseudodebis nakamurai Nakahara & Willmott, 2021
SPEC Pseudodebis pieti Nakahara & Willmott, 2021
SPEC Pseudodebis puritana (Weeks, 1902)
SPEC Pseudodebis tigrillo Nakahara & Willmott, 2022
SPEC Pseudodebis valentina* (Cramer, 1779)
SPEC Pseudodebis vrazi (Kheil, 1896)
SPEC Pseudodebis zimri (Butler, 1869)
GENU Satyrotaygetis Forster, 1964 (3 sp.)
SPEC Satyrotaygetis iris (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SPEC Satyrotaygetis satyrina* (Bates, 1865)
SPEC Satyrotaygetis tiessa (Hewitson, 1869)
GENU Saurona Huertas & Willmott, 2023 (2 sp.)
SPEC Saurona aurigera (Weymer, [1911])
SPEC Saurona triangula* (Aurivillius, 1929)
GENU Scriptor Nakahara & Espeland, 2020 (1 sp.)
SPEC Scriptor sphenophorus* Lamas & Nakahara, 2020
GENU Sepona Freitas & Barbosa, 2016 (1 sp.)
SPEC Sepona punctata* (Weymer, 1911)
GENU Splendeuptychia Forster, 1964 (9 sp.)
SPEC Splendeuptychia ambra (Weymer, [1911])
SPEC Splendeuptychia ashna* (Hewitson, 1869)
SPEC Splendeuptychia gera (Hewitson, 1850)
SPEC Splendeuptychia metagera (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Splendeuptychia moderata (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Splendeuptychia nortia (Hewitson, 1862)
SPEC Splendeuptychia purusana (Aurivillius, 1929)
SPEC Splendeuptychia segesta (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Splendeuptychia tupinamba Freitas, Huertas & Rosa, 2021
GENU Stegosatyrus Zacca, Mielke & Pyrcz, 2013 (4 sp.)
SPEC Stegosatyrus hemiclara Pyrcz, Boyer & Zacca, 2013
SPEC Stegosatyrus imbrialis (Weeks, 1901)
SPEC Stegosatyrus ocelloides (Schaus, 1902)
SPEC Stegosatyrus periphas* (Godart, [1824])
GENU Stephenympha Viloria, 2022 (3 sp.)
SPEC Stephenympha arius (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Stephenympha eriphule (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Stephenympha pauliana* Viloria, 2022
GENU Stevenaria Viloria, Costa, Neild & Nakahara, 2016 (3 sp.)
SPEC Stevenaria divergens (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Stevenaria nakaharai Viloria, Costa, Fratello & Neild, 2016
SPEC Stevenaria yutajensis* Viloria & Costa, 2016
GENU Taguaiba Freitas, Zacca & Siewert, 2023 (5 sp.)
SPEC Taguaiba drogoni* (Siewert, Zacca, Dias & Freitas, 2013)
SPEC Taguaiba fulginia (d’Almeida, 1922)
SPEC Taguaiba rectifascia (Weymer, 1907)
SPEC Taguaiba servius (Weymer, 1919)
SPEC Taguaiba ypthima (Hübner, [1821])
GENU Taydebis Freitas, 2003 (3 sp.)
SPEC Taydebis clarissa (Freitas & Mielke, 2011)
SPEC Taydebis guria Zacca, Casagrande & Mielke, 2021
SPEC Taydebis melobosis* (Capronnier, 1874)
GENU Taygetina Forster, 1964 (8 sp.)
SPEC Taygetina accacioi Nakahara & Freitas, 2019
SPEC Taygetina banghaasi* (Weymer, 1910)
SPEC Taygetina brocki Lamas & Nakahara, 2019
SPEC Taygetina gulnare (Butler, 1870)
SPEC Taygetina kerea (Butler, 1869)
SPEC Taygetina oreba (Butler, 1870)
SPEC Taygetina peribaea (Godman & Salvin, 1880)
SPEC Taygetina weymeri (Draudt, 1912)
GENU Taygetis Hübner, [1819] (25 sp. / 10 ssp.)
SPEC Taygetis acuta Weymer, 1910
SPEC Taygetis angulosa Weymer, 1907
SPEC Taygetis asterie Weymer, 1910
SPEC Taygetis chiquitana Forster, 1964
SPEC Taygetis chrysogone Doubleday, [1849]
SPEC Taygetis cleopatra C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867
SPEC Taygetis echo (Cramer, 1775)
SUBS Taygetis echo echo (Cramer, 1775)
SUBS Taygetis echo koepckei Forster, 1964
SUBS Taygetis echo velutina Staudinger, [1887]
SPEC Taygetis elegia Weymer, 1910
SPEC Taygetis inambari Miller & Lamas, 1999
SPEC Taygetis inconspicua Draudt, 1931
SPEC Taygetis kharisma Brévignon & Benmesbah, 2012
SPEC Taygetis laches (Fabricius, 1793)
SUBS Taygetis laches laches (Fabricius, 1793)
SUBS Taygetis laches marginata Staudinger, [1887]
SPEC Taygetis larua C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867
SPEC Taygetis leuctra Butler, 1870
SPEC Taygetis mermeria (Cramer, 1776)
SUBS Taygetis mermeria excavata Butler, 1868
SUBS Taygetis mermeria griseomarginata L.D. Miller, 1978
SUBS Taygetis mermeria mermeria (Cramer, 1776)
SPEC Taygetis oyapock Brévignon, 2007
SPEC Taygetis rufomarginata Staudinger, 1888
SUBS Taygetis rufomarginata rufomarginata Staudinger, 1888
SUBS Taygetis rufomarginata tapulunmi Brévignon, 2005
SPEC Taygetis sosis Hopffer, 1874
SPEC Taygetis sylvia Bates, 1866
SPEC Taygetis thamyra (Cramer, 1779)
SPEC Taygetis tripunctata Weymer, 1907
SPEC Taygetis uncinata Weymer, 1907
SPEC Taygetis uzza Butler, 1869
SPEC Taygetis virgilia* (Cramer, 1776)
SPEC Taygetis zippora Butler, 1869
GENU Trico Nakahara & Espeland, 2023 (1 sp. / 2 ssp.)
SPEC Trico tricolor* (Hewitson, 1850)
SUBS Trico tricolor fulgora (Butler, 1869)
SUBS Trico tricolor tricolor (Hewitson, 1850)
GENU Vanima Zacca, Casagrande & Mielke, 2020 (3 sp.)
SPEC Vanima labe* (Butler, 1870)
SPEC Vanima lesbia (Staudinger, [1886])
SPEC Vanima palladia (Butler, 1867)
GENU Vareuptychia Forster, 1964 (2 sp.)
SPEC Vareuptychia similis* (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Vareuptychia themis (Butler, 1870)
GENU Xenovena Marín & Nakahara, 2023 (1 sp.)
SPEC Xenovena murrayae* (Brévignon, 2005)
GENU Xikrin Barbosa, Freitas, Siewert & Marín, 2023 (1 sp.)
SPEC Xikrin ueharapradoi* Freitas & Barbosa, 2023
GENU Yphthimoides Forster, 1964 (21 sp.)
SPEC Yphthimoides acmenis (Hübner, 1823)
SPEC Yphthimoides angularis (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Yphthimoides bella Barbosa & Freitas, 2015
SPEC Yphthimoides blanquita Barbosa, Marín & Freitas, 2017
SPEC Yphthimoides borasta (Schaus, 1902)
SPEC Yphthimoides celmis (Godart, 71824])
SPEC Yphthimoides cipoensis Freitas, 2004
SPEC Yphthimoides gabriela Barbosa, Freitas & Paluch, 2015
SPEC Yphthimoides inornata (Hayward, 1962)
SPEC Yphthimoides iserhardi Freitas & Barbosa, 2015
SPEC Yphthimoides kinyoni Lamas, Nakahara & Barbosa, 2021
SPEC Yphthimoides leguialimai (Dyar, 1913)
SPEC Yphthimoides manasses (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SPEC Yphthimoides nareta Barbosa & Freitas, 2017
SPEC Yphthimoides ochracea (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Yphthimoides ordinaria Freitas, Kaminski & Mielke, 2012
SPEC Yphthimoides pacta (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Yphthimoides patricia (Hayward, 1957)
SPEC Yphthimoides renata (Stoll, 1780)
SPEC Yphthimoides straminea (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Yphthimoides yphthima* (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
GENU Zischkaia Forster, 1964 (12 sp.)
SPEC Zischkaia abanico Nakahara & Petit, 2019
SPEC Zischkaia amalda* (Weymer, 1911)
SPEC Zischkaia arctoa Nakahara, 2019
SPEC Zischkaia arenisca Nakahara, Willmott & Hall, 2019
SPEC Zischkaia argyrosflecha Nakahara, L. Miller & Huertas, 2019
SPEC Zischkaia baku Zacca, Dolibaina & Dias, 2019
SPEC Zischkaia chullachaki Nakahara & Zacca, 2019
SPEC Zischkaia josti Nakahara & Kleckner, 2019
SPEC Zischkaia mielkeorum Dolibaina, Dias & Zacca, 2019
SPEC Zischkaia pacarus (Godart, [1824])
SPEC Zischkaia saundersii (Butler, 1867)
SPEC Zischkaia warreni Dias, Zacca & Dolibaina, 2019
Novo gênero 1 (2 sp.)
SPEC “Euptychia” insignis (Butler, 1867)
SPEC “Euptychia” ordinata (Weymer, 1911)
Novo gênero 2 (1 sp.)
SPEC “Pharneuptychia” innocentia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
Novo gênero 3 (3 sp.)
SPEC “Erichthodes” eremita Lamas, Willmott & Radford, 2018
SPEC “Erichthodes” jovita (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867)
SPEC “Erichthodes” julia (Weymer, 1911)
* Espécie-tipo do gênero
Se você quiser citar esse trabalho, por favor use a seguinte citação/If you would like to cite this work please use the following citation:
Zacca, T. & Barbosa, E.P. & Freitas, A.V.L. 2018. Euptychiina Species Checklist Available at:
CréditosEste é um checklist das espécies de Euptychiina com a taxonomia atualizada mantido pelos membros do Labbor. Os responsáveis pela revisão taxonômica são Thamara Zacca, Eduardo Barbosa e André Freitas. Noemy Seraphim e Junia Carreira são as editoras da página on-line. Se você encontrar alguma informação errada ou desatualizada por favor escreva para:
This is a species checklist of Euptychiina, the taxonomy is kept up-to-date by Labbor’s members. Thamara Zacca, Eduardo Barbosa and André Freitas are responsible for the taxonomic revision. Noemy Seraphim and Junia Carreira are the webpage editors. If you find any missing or outdated information please write to
Atualizações/UpdatesMar-25-2024 – Added new species Caeruleuptychia harrisi and C. aemulatio.
Sep-18-2023 – Added new genus Agojie and new species Agojie rupicola.
Aug-14-2023 – Added new genus Xikrin and new species Xikrin ueharapradoi.
Apr-12-2023 – Major changes in the systematics and taxonomy of Euptychiina following Espeland et al. (2023).
Aug-07-2022 – Corrections to the list and addition of Paryphthimoides brixiola.
Mar-24-2022 – Revalidation of Yphthimoides inornata according to Piovesan et al. 2022.
Jan-21-2022 – Changed Yphthimoides affinis, Y. maepius, Y. mythra and Y. neomaenas to Malaveria, and Yphthimoides viviana, Euptychoides castrensis and Pharneuptychia romanina are now placed in Moneuptychia. Yphthimoides eriphule and Pharneuptychia innocentia must be placed in two new genera. All changes are according to Barbosa et al. 2022.
Jan-07-2022 – Added new genus Cisandina and its 7 species and 2 subspecies, what included changes from Magneuptychia (lea and trinitensis, and philippa (reinstated status)) and from Euptychoides (fida and sanmarcos).
Dec-19-2021 – Added new species Yphthimoides kinyoni.
Nov-07-2021 – Added new species Hermeuptychia camerta, H. canthe, H. cautheus, H. occidentalis, and H. sinuosa; Splendeuptychia tupinamba; Taygetis armillata and T. xenana; and Taygetina gulnare. Synonymies in Hermeuptychia, see here. Excluded Hermeuptychia maimoune, H. pimpla, H. fallax, H. intricata and H. gisella.
Aug-23-2021 – Added new species Taydebis guria. Changed “Paryphthimoides” undulata to Hermeuptychia and “Paryphthimoides” melobosis to Taydebis. Excluded Taydebis peculiaris and the genus Prenda.
Jul-17-2021 – added new species Euptychia sarah, Euptychia woroina and Forsterinaria chaniorum, and subespecies Forsterinaria inornata inornata and Forsterinaria inornata magdalena. Changed “Cissia” cleophes to Megisto. Revision of number of species and subespecies per genus.
Jul-07-2021 – added novel genera: Modestia, Malaveria and Koutalina. Changed Magneuptychia modesta and Magneuptychia gomezi to Modestia; Magneuptychia alcinoe, Magneuptychia nebulosa and Magneuptychia mimas to Malaveria; and Yphthimoides mimula to Malaveria. Added new species Pseudodebis hartmanni.
May-18-2019 – few changes to genera Cissia, Erichthodes, Euptychoides, Godartiana, Harjesia, Forsterinaria, Megisto and Pseudoeuptychia.
Sep-13-2019 – minor changes
Sep-20-2019 – added novel genera: Colombeia, Cristalinaia, Macrocissia, Nubila, Omacha and Optimandes, also added several novel species, including nine species of Zischkaia
Nov-14-2019 – added a species to Magneuptychia
DEC-20-2019 – added two new species of Taygetina
FEB-20-2020 – changes to genera Amiga, Caeruleuptychia, Cissia, Magneuptychia, Euptychia and Paryphthimoides
APR-13-2020 – removed the species Megisto pellonia
AUG-30-2020 – changes to genera: Chloreuptychia, Magneuptychia, Carminda and Forsterinaria
DEC-13-2020 – included genera: Emeryus, Vanima, Vareuptychia and Scriptor. Transfered “Magneuptychia” francisca and “Magneuptychia” saul to Caeruleuptychia
FEB-16-2021 – included two species in Pseudodebis
ANDRADE-C. M. G., VILORIA A. L., HENAO-BAÑOL E. R., LE CROM J-F. 2019. Generic reassignments of satyrine butterflies from Colombia and Venezuela (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). – Anartia 28: 26-46.
BARBOSA E.P., SILVA A.K., PALUCH M., AZEREDO-ESPIN A.M.L., FREITAS A.V.L. 2015. Uncovering the hidden diversity of the Neotropical butterfly genus Yphthimoides Forster (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae): description of three new species based on morphological and molecular data. – Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 15(3): 577–589. doi: 10.1007/s13127-015-0221-y
BARBOSA E.P., SIEWERT R.R., MIELKE O.H.H., LAMAS G., WILLMOTT K.R. & FREITAS A.V.L. 2018. Redescription of Yphthimoides patricia (Hayward, 1957), with taxonomic notes on the names Euptychia saltuensis Hayward, 1962 and Yphthimoides manasses (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867) (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). – Zootaxa 4422(4): 537-557. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4422.4.5
BARBOSA E.P., AGUIAR T.M.C., ROSA A.H.B., ZACCA T., FREITAS A.V.L. 2020. A new species of butterfly (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from the highlands of Southeastern Brazil. – Zootaxa 4819(1): 128-142.
Barbosa, E. P., N. Seraphim, G. Valencia, A. M. L. Azeredo-Espin & A. V. L. Freitas. 2022. Phylogenetic systematics of Yphthimoides Forster, 1964 and related taxa, with notes on the biogeographical history of Yphthimoides species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 168: 107390.
Barbosa, E. P., R. R. Siewert, M. A. Marín, P. A. Machado, I. F. Oliveira, J. A. C. Filho & A. V. L. Freitas. 2023. Description of a new genus and species of Euptychiina (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. Austral Entomology 62(3): 310-322. [PDF]
BENMESBAH M., VILORIA A. L. & MURIENNE J. 2021. Taxonomic notes on Euptychia modesta Butler, 1867, Neonympha alcinoe C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867 and Euptychia pamela Hayward, 1957 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae), with descriptions of three new genera, five new species and two new subspecies from Central and South America. Anartia 31: 7-62
BRÉVIGNON C., ROSANT T., LAMAS G., TYLER S., WILLMOTT K. 2019. Description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Euptychiina du genre Chloreuptychia (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). – Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 124 (2): 127-138.
COSTA M., VILORIA A. L., ATTAL S., NEILD A. F. E., FRATELLO S. & BENMESBAH M. (2020). Lepidoptera del Pantepui. Parte VIII Nuevos Nymphalidae (Charaxinae y Satyrinae) y Riodinidae (Riodininae). / Lepidoptera from the Pantepui. Part VIII New Nymphalidae (Charaxinae and Satyrinae) and Riodinidae (Riodininae). Anartia 29: 20-48.
CONG Q., BARBOSA E. P., MARÍN M. A., FREITAS A. V. L., LAMAS G. & GRISHIN N. V. 2021. Two new species of Hermeuptychia from North America and three neotype designations (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). The Taxonomic Report 9(7): 1-21.
Espeland, M., N. Shinichi, T. Zacca, E. P. Barbosa, B. Huertas, M. A. Marín, G. Lamas, M. Benmesbah, C. Brévignon, M. M. Casagrande, C. Fåhraeus, N. Grishin, A. Y. Kawahara, O. H. H. Mielke, J. Y. Miller, I. Nakamura, V. Navas, B. Patrusky, T. W. Pyrcz, L. Richards, D. Tan, S. Tyler, A. Viloria, A. D. Warren, L. Xiao, A. V. L. Freitas & K. R. Willmott. 2023. Combining target enrichment and Sanger sequencing data to clarify the systematics of the diverse Neotropical butterfly subtribe Euptychiina (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Systematic Entomology (Online version). [PDF]
FREITAS A.V.L. 2003. Description of a new genus for “Euptychia” peculiaris (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae): immature stages and systematic position. – Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 57(2): 100–106.
FREITAS A.V.L. 2004. A new species of Yphthimoides (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) from Southeastern Brazil. – Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 58(1): 7–12.
FREITAS A.V.L. 2007. A new species of Moneuptychia Forster (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae, Euptychiina) from the highlands of Southeastern Brazil. – Neotropical Entomology 36(6): 919–925.
FREITAS AVL, EMERY E.O., MIELKE O.H.H. 2010. A new species of Moneuptychia Forster (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae: Euptychiina) from central Brazil. – Neotropical Entomology 39(1): 83–90.
FREITAS A.V.L, BARBOSA E.P., SIEWERT R.R., MIELKE O.H.H., ZACCA T., AZEREDO-ESPIN A.M. 2015. Four new species of Moneuptychia (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae: Euptychiina) from Brazil. – Zootaxa 3981(4): 521–541.doi:
FREITAS A.V.L, BARBOSA E.P., WILLMOTT K.R., WAHLBERG N., LAMAS G. 2016a. ‘Species’ from two different butterfly genera combined into one: description of a new genus of Euptychiina (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) with unusually variable wing pattern. – Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 60(2): 157–165. doi: 10.1016/j.rbe.2016.01.004.
FREITAS A.V.L, BARBOSA E.P., ZACCA T., MARÍN MA, BEIRÃO MV, SILVA ARM, CASAGRANDE M, ESPELAND M, WILLMOTT KR. 2018. Before it is too late: description of a new genus and species of butterfly from a highly threatened Brazilian biome. – Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 62: 148–158.
FREITAS A.V.L, MOTA L. L. ZACCA T., BARBOSA E.P. 2019. Description of a new and highly distinctive genus and species of Euptychiina (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from the Brazilian southern Amazon. – Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 63: 254-261.
HENAO E. R., MENESES L. H. 2017. Uma nueva especies de Pharneuptychia Forster, 1964 del Área Natural Única Los Estoraques – norte de Santander, Colombia – (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). – Boletín Científico Centro de Museos Museu de Historia Natural 21(2): 173–183.
HENAO-BAÑOL E. R. 2019. Dos nuevas especies de mariposas (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) de la región amazónica colombiana. – Boletín Científico Centro de Museos – Museu de Historia Natural 23(2): 193-207
LAMAS G. 2004. Nymphalidae. Satyrinae. Tribe Satyrini. Subtribe Euptychiina. Pp. 217 in Lamas G. (ed.), Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea – Papilionoidea in Heppner J.B. (ed.), Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Vol. 5A – Scientific Publishers, Association for Tropical Lepidoptera, Gainesville.
MARÍN M.A., PEÑA C., URIBE S.I., FREITAS A.V.L. 2017. Morphology agrees with molecular data: phylogenetic affinities of Euptychiina butterflies (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). – Systematic Entomology 42: 768 –785. doi: 10.1111/syen.12245
MATOS-MARAVÍ, P. F., PEÑA, C., WILLMOTT, K. R., FREITAS, A. V. L., WAHLBERG, N. 2013. Systematics and Evolutionary history of butterflies in the “Taygetis clade” (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Euptychiina): Towards a better understand of Neotropical biogeography. – Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66: 54–68.
NAKAHARA S., THURMAN, A. & SMALL Jr, G. B. 2023. A new species of Pseudodebis Forster, 1964 from Panama (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Tropical Lepidoptera Research 34(1): 21-28.
JANZEN D.H., HALLWACHS W., ESPELAND M. 2015a. Description of a new genus for Euptychia hilara (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). – Zootaxa 4012(3): 525–541.
NAKAHARA S., JANZEN D.H., HALLWACHS W., ESPELAND M. 2015a. Description of a new genus for Euptychia hilara (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). – Zootaxa 4012(3): 525–541.
NAKAHARA S., HALL J.P.W., LAMAS G., WILLMOTT K. 2015b. Seven new species and one new subspecies of Euptychia Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from the tropical Andes. – Tropical Lepidoptera Research 25(2): 63–79.
NAKAHARA S., MARÍN M.A., NEILD A.F.E. 2016a. A new species of Pareuptychia Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) from the northwestern Amazon basin with characterization of two potential synapomorphies for the genus. – Tropical Lepidoptera Research 26(1): 6–12.
NAKAHARA S., BARBOSA E.P., MARÍN M.A., FREITAS A.V.L., POMERANTZ T., WILLMOTT K.R. 2016b. Graphita gen. nov., a new genus for Neonympha grife C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). – Neotropical Entomology 45(6): 675–691.
NAKAHARA S., ZACCA T., DIAS F. M. S., DOLIBAINA D. R., XIAO L., ESPELAND M., CASAGRANDE M. M., MIELKE O. H. H., LAMAS G., HUERTAS B., KLECKNER K., WILLMOTT K. R. 2019. Revision of the poorly known Neotropical butterfly genus Zischkaia Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), with descriptions of nine new species. – European Journal of Taxonomy 551: 1-67.
NAKAHARA S., MATOS-MARAVI P., WILLMOTT K. R., NAKAMURA I. & MACDONALD J. R. 2021. Description of a new species of Pseudodebis Forster, 1964 from Central America (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Tropical Lepidoptera Research 31(1): 35-41
NAKAHARA S., ZACCA T., HUERTAS B., NEILD A.F.E., HALL J.P.W., LAMAS G., HOLIAN L.A., ESPELAND M., WILLMOTT K. 2018. Remarkable sexual dimorphism, rarity and cryptic species: a revision of the “aegrota species group” of the Neotropical butterfly genus Caeruleuptychia Forster, 1964 with the description of three new species (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). – Insect Systematics & Evolution 49: 130-182. doi: 10.1163/1876312X-00002167.
NAKAHARA S., WILLMOTT K.R., MIELKE O.H.H., SCHWARTZ J., ZACCA T., ESPELAND M., LAMAS G. 2018. Seven new taxa from the butterfly subtribe Euptychiina (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) with revisional notes on Harjesia Forster, 1964 and Pseudeuptychia Forster, 1964. – Insecta Mundi 0639: 1–38.
NAKAHARA S., KLECKNER K., LAMAS G., HUERTAS B. & WILLMOTT K. R. 2020. A contribution towards the systematics of Magneuptychia Forster, 1964: Caeruleuptychia francisca (Butler, 1870), n. comb. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). – Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 163: 51-61
NAKAHARA S., LAMAS, G. TYLER, S., MARÍN, M.A., HUERTAS, B., WILLMOTT, K. R., MIELKE, O.H.H., ESPELAND, M. 2019. A revision of the new genus Amiga Nakahara, Willmott & Espeland, gen. n., described for Papilio arnaca Fabricius, 1776 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). – Zookeys 821: 85 – 152. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.821.31782
NAKAHARA S., LAMAS G., WILLMOTT K. & ESPELAND M. 2020. Description of a new genus and species for a common and widespread Amazonian satyrine butterfly (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Satyrini). – PeerJ 8:e10324.
NAKAHARA S., MATOS-MARAVI P., BARBOSA E. P., WILLMOTT K. R., LAMAS G., FREITAS A. V. L. 2019. Two new species of Taygetina with a possible case of ‘juxta loss’ in butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). – Insect Systematics and Diversity 3(6): 1-13.
NAKAHARA S., MATOS-MARAVI P., SCHWARTZ J., WILLMOTT K.R. 2021. Assessing a generic synapomorphy of Pseudodebis Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) and a recente speciation with a shift in elevation between two new species in the western Andes. – Invertebrate Systematics 35: 158-180.
NAKAHARA, S., M. RODRÍGUEZ-MELGAREJO, K. KLECKNER, T. CORAHUA-ESPINOZA, R. TEJEIRA, M. ESPELAND, M. M. CASAGRANDE, E. P. BARBOSA, J. SEE, G. GALLICE, G. LAMAS & K. R. WILLMOTT. 2022. Systematic Revision of a New Butterfly Genus, Cisandina Nakahara & Espeland, n. gen., with Descriptions of Three New Taxa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Insect Systematics and Diversity 6(1): 2; 1–30.
NAKAHARA, S., K. KLECKNER, E. P. BARBOSA, G. M. LOURENÇO, M. M. CASAGRANDE, K. R. WILLMOTT & A. V. L. FREITAS. 2023. Reassessment of the type locality of Euptychia stigmatica Godman, 1905, with the description of two new sibling species from Amazonia (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae, Satyrini). ZooKeys 1167: 57-88.
PIOVESAN, M., E. ORLANDIN, O. H. H. MIELKE & M. M. CASAGRANDE. 2022. Revalidation of Yphthimoides inornata (Hayward, 1962 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Satyrini: Euptychiina) based on morphological and molecular data with description of the immature stages. Zootaxa 5116(4): 550–562.
RÍOS-MÁLAVER I. C. 2019. Synonymy and homonymy in two butterfly species recently described in Colombia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Anartia 29: 49-53.
ROSA A. H. B., HUERTAS B., WILLMOTT K. R., BARBOSA E. P., MACHADO P. A., MIELKE O. H. H., CANAAN C. H. P. & FREITAS A. V. L. 2021. Fifty years without a name: a new species of Splendeuptychia Forster (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Zootaxa 5061(1): 95-114.
VILORIA A. 2021. The Hermeuptychia papers. Anartia 32: 26-52.
WARREN A. D., NAKAHARA S., LLORENTE-BOUSQUETS J., LUIS-MARTÍNEZ A., MILLER J. Y. 2018. A new species of Cyllopsis R. Felder, 1869 from the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). – Zootaxa 4403 (3): 570–577.
WILLMOTT K.R., LAMAS G., RADFORD J., MARÍN M., NAKAHARA S., ESPELAND M., XIAO L., HALL J.P.W. 2018. A distinctive new species of cloud forest Euptychiina (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from Ecuador and Peru. – Tropical Lepidoptera Research 28(1): 39–45.
ZACCA T., MIELKE O.H.H., PYRCZ T.W., CASAGRANDE M.M., FREITAS A.V.L., BOYER P. 2013. Stegosatyrus, a new genus of Euptychiina from the grasslands of neotropical realm (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). – Zootaxa 3682(2): 331–350.
ZACCA T., SIEWERT R.R., MIELKE O.H.H., CASAGRANDE M.M. 2014. A new species of Magneuptychia Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from Brazilian Savanna. – Zootaxa 3795(1): 71–78. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3795.1.7
ZACCA T., PALUCH M., SIEWERT R., FREITAS A., BARBOSA E., MIELKE O., CASAGRANDE M. 2017. Revision of Godartiana Forster (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), with the description of a new species from northeastern Brazil. – Austral Entomology 56: 169–190.
ZACCA T., CASAGRANDE M.M., MIELKE O.H.H., HUERTAS B., BARBOSA E.P., FREITAS A.V.L., MAGALDI L.M., ESPELAND M., NAKAHARA S., WILLMOTT K.R. 2018. Systematics of the butterfly genus Cissia Doubleday, 1848 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) using an integrative approach. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 76(2): 349–376.
ZACCA T., CASAGRANDE M. M., MIELKE O. H. H., HUERTAS B., BARBOSA E. P., FREITAS A. V. L., LAMAS G., ESPELAND M., BRÉVIGNON C, NAKAHARA S., CHECA M. F. & WILLMOTT, K. R. 2020. Systematics of the Neotropical butterfly genus Paryphthimoides Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae), with descriptions of seven new taxa. – Insect, Systematics & Evolution. DOI:
ZACCA T., CASAGRANDE M. M., MIELKE O. H. H., HUERTAS B., BARBOSA E. P., FREITAS A. V. L. & WILLMOTT K. R. 2020. Description of Emeryus Zacca, Mielke & Casagrande gen. nov. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) to accommodate three species formerly placed in Paryphthimoides Forster, 1964. – Austral Entomology 59: 505-523. doi: 10.1111/aen.12479
ZACCA T., CASAGRANDE M. M., MIELKE O. H. H., HUERTAS B., ESPELAND M., FREITAS A. V. L., WILLMOTT K. R., NAKAHARA S. & LAMAS G. 2020. Revalidation of Vareuptychia Forster, 1964, description of Vanima gen. nov., and notes on Euptychia cleophes Godman & Salvin, 1889 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). – Zootaxa 4858(1): 1-34.
ZACCA, T., M. M. CASAGRANDE, O. H. H. MIELKE, B. HUERTAS, A. V. L. FREITAS, M. A. MARIN, M. ESPELAND & K. R. WILLMOTT. 2021. A new euptychiine butterfly species from south Brazil and taxonomic rearrangements for Taydebis Freitas, 2013 and Hermeuptychia Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Zootaxa 5023(4): 555-570. [PDF]
ZACCA, T., D. P. PACHECO & P. M. GONELLA 2021. A new genus and endangered species of euptychiine butterfly from isolated mountains in southeastern Brazil (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Zootaxa 5346 (1): 083–093. [PDF]